David's Tip of the Week

MEI TRC Series Coin Mechs

This week's Timely Tip is regarding the MEI TRC series coin mechs.

The TRC series coin mech return lever often breaks and the unit is sent in for service.

To save yourself a lot of in field time and company expense, simply replace the coin lever by removing the #2 Phillips screw, spring and remount a new lever with existing spring.

All TRC series use the same coin return lever. You can also use the older MC series levers as they are the same.

This is a very simple procedure but we recommend everyone try it at your shop a few times before attempting in the field.

If you have any question regarding this months timely tip, please call our coin mech technical service department 651.231.2810. 

.If you would like our Timely Tip sent to additional personnel, please send us their email address and they will be added to our distribution list.
MEI TRC Series Coin Mechs

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